Written by: Jason Kritzberg on November 23rd, 2020
It’s crazy to think that Thanksgiving is just a few days away. All of that turkey, stuffing, and sweet potatoes might be getting to your head. All of us here at Stephen White Real Estate would like to help alleviate the stress of gaining 5 pounds come Thursday with a 4 day workout plan. We can guarantee doing these exercises daily will not only prepare you for the big dinner ahead, but will also allow you to loose some weight before you potentially gain it back!
The Challenge

It is important to live a healthy lifestyle daily! That includes eating healthy, using your mind, and most importantly, moving your body! Studies have shown that “exercise helps you lose weight by burning mostly fat; diet alone won’t do that” (allinahealth.org). With that being said, we all know Thanksgiving is an unhealthy day – but that’s okay! We definitely all deserve a day to indulge. However, if you’re worried about the weight gain, consider participating in this challenge before, during, and even after Thanksgiving!
In addition to your daily cardio exercise, we recommend you perform each of these exercises daily:
50 JUMPING JACKS, 5 PUSH UPS, 20 SIT UPS, 20 MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS, 30-60 SECOND PLANK, 10 BURPEES, 5 SQUATS, 30 SECOND WALL SIT, AND REPEAT! Perform these workouts 3 times daily until Turkey Day!
This workout is short but definitely gets your heart rate up. It’s great to do as you wake up in the morning, right after work, or before bed! Do this workout everyday this week, starting right now, devour that delicious piece of pie on Thanksgiving, and feel no guilt! Thats our plan!
And most importantly, Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you and your family enjoy a relaxing Thanksgiving dinner at home. We know how hard this year has been for many, but we hope you and your family can give thanks for the many good things that have also happened this year!
If you are ever in the market to buy or sell a home, contact me! It is my passion to find families their forever home, and look forward to helping yours too!