Written by: Jason Kritzberg on November 25th, 2020

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday by far. It’s a day where it’s okay to pig out on good food and be surrounded by the ones you love. It’s a day where giving thanks to what you’re grateful for is encourage and eating a little bit too much pie is persuaded. However, with the rising cases in COVID-19 in our country, some are worried that Thanksgiving is out right cancelled! As a realtor, the most rewarding aspect of the job is seeing families come together in the comfort of their own home. So because of this, we would like to offer our audience with a list of safe tips so Thanksgiving can commence this year! Follow these guidelines for a safe and healthy holiday with you and your family:
Prepare Your Turkey The Day Before, Safely

Having your turkey prepared the day before will make life a lot less stressful on the actual holiday! That way on Thanksgiving, you can kick back, relax, watch the parade or some football and not have to worry about cooking. If you are serving your turkey to some guests, make sure when transporting the cooked turkey to wear a mask and gloves so everything stays sanitized. Alternatively, you can also reheat it before the dinner begins. If you do reheat it, make sure to cook the turkey in its drippings or gravy, to make the turkey juicy and flavorful!
Keep the Party Small

This Thanksgiving, consider having your guest list to just the VIP’s! Keeping your gathering small (under 10 people) and maintaining social distance from each other is important. I know! It’s hard to do that with your family; however, it is crucial to lessening the spread of this horrible virus – so do it for your family members sake! Having less people is also much better for conversation, so there’s that! Oh, and also less people = more food to eat! A win win!
Have a Virtual Dinner!

If all of the above sounds too troublesome (especially if you’re hosting), then don’t rule out virtual communication! Having a Zoom or FaceTime dinner with your family can be just as enjoyable, and you will be less worried about this dang virus! All in all, stay flexible this holiday season and keep up with the news on the latest statistics of the COVID-19 virus! I hope that soon enough, we can all gather with no worries! Until then, be safe and Happy Holidays!
All of us here at Stephen White Real Estate would like to wish you and your family members a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving! May this year bring positivity and safety to you and those around you! If you are looking to buy or sell a home post-Thanksgiving, give your trusted realtor, Stephen White, a call! Thank you!